Acorn House
Construction Updates
Construction Management Plan (CMP)
In November 2021, Camden Council approved plans for a mixed-use building with 33 affordable homes alongside affordable office space and a new retail unit together with cycle spaces at Acorn House on the corner of Gray’s Inn Road and Swinton Street.
Click here to download a copy of the updated draft Construction Management Plan which we are consulting on and will shortly be submitting to Camden Council for review.
Outline construction programme

Outline construction programme
Construction traffic
The primary access for all construction vehicles entering the site will be from Swinton Street, with arriving traffic being directed right into the street from Kings Cross Road by a marshal having travelled south-west down Penton Rise, turning right into Swinton Street.
Leaving the site, vehicles will turn right at the end of Swinton Street onto Gray’s Inn Road. Vehicles will then travel north up to Euston Road before turning left and travelling west.
All vehicle movements both in and out of the site will be managed by the Logistics Manager and within standard working hours.
To mitigate the potential impact of construction traffic on Swinton Street, the timings of the deliveries to the site will be arranged to avoid peak morning and evenings, and therefore will take place between 10am – 4pm.
It is acknowledged that Swinton Street is designated a red route and a bus stop is located on Swinton Street to the east of the site, but to facilitate unloading whilst avoiding Gray’s Inn Road, it is proposed that construction vehicle delivery to the building will take place using a temporary pit lane located on Swinton Street. This will be managed by Site Access Marshals and will only be used during deliveries, with the temporary pit lane being removed once the delivery has been completed.
Two-way pedestrian access will be maintained to the pavement of Gray’s Inn Road, together with Swinton Street.
Being a considerate neighbour
We are currently consulting with the local
community on our draft Construction Management
Plan (CMP).
The CMP outlines how we will ensure that the
construction works will be managed safely and to the highest standards, minimising noise and disruption to neighbours.
Working hours
We are proposing that construction works will only take place during the following days and times. These will need to be agreed by Camden Council following this consultation of the CMP but reflect the Council’s guidelines for construction working hours:
Monday to Friday 8am-6pm
Saturday 8am-1pm
There will be no works taking place on Sundays or public holidays.
There may be a requirement for work outside
these hours for activities such as:
Tower crane erection/dismantling works.
Mechanical Plant delivery.
Utilities / Statutory Connections.
Services shut down and emergency repairs.
Mobile crane for large deliveries
Should the need for these works arise, we will ensure
that we get in touch to let you know in advance.
Noise and dust
Noise, dust and vibration monitors will be installed,
providing real time monitoring with alerts sent to
the project team if agreed levels have been breached.
When an alert is received the works will cease and
the situation/methods reviewed and adapted
before continuing.
Modern well-maintained machinery and tools will
be used for all demolition works to minimise noise
and vibration.
Air Quality Monitors are being installed in advance
of demolition and will be in place throughout the
construction stages.
Preparatory works: Autumn 2022
Following approval of the CMP, preparatory works will begin in September 2022 and will include:
Putting up hoardings around the site
Erection of pedestrian gantry on Gray’s Inn Road to provide safe access for pedestrians
Installing lighting throughout the site
Soft strip works
Installation of noise, dust and vibration monitoring.
Contacts on site
At the moment we are in the process of appointing our main contractors for this site. Once the final appointment has been made, we will share contact details with you to the relevant teams operating on the site, so that you can reach out to them directly with any urgent queries or comments.
In the meantime, please direct all your queries to our consultation team, using the contact details above.
How to comment
If you would like to share your views on our draft CMP, you can get in touch with us via: | 0800 307 7614